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  • Laddar

Cut-off wheel Norton Quantum

Cut-off wheel Norton Quantum

Product information

Quantum. The new generation super-thin cut-off wheels with special bonding agent technology in combination with Norzon Plus abrasive. Unbeatable service life, gives the lowest overall cost, highest degree of removal, quick cutting, superb stability, low vibration level, low sound level and less dust development, low energy consumption, no risk of burning, white and clean cutting. For cutting iron, steel and stainless steel. Reinforced. Max. peripheral speed 80 m/s. Lowest recommended machine power 1000 W and lowest recommended speed 10,500 r/min.

0.8 mm thickness recommended above 2 mm material thickness. For the fastest cutting and minimal material loss.

1.0 mm thickness recommended above 3 mm material thickness. For quick cutting and small material loss.

1.3 mm thickness recommended above 5 mm material thickness. For optimal cutting of thin-walled pipes and sections.

1.6 mm thickness recommended above 7 mm material thickness. For troublesome cutting.

2.0 mm thickness recommended above 10 mm material thickness. For very taxing cutting.
